Your Little Secert |

Nicknames:Morg, Shining Sakura Star(SSS), Time Mistress, Cherry, Sissy,Lucy Liu, Sexy, Sailor Moon, Morgan-chan...
B-day: Nov. 1st
Location: The United States of America
E-mail & MSN:Here
Likes:Internet, Hanging with friends, stars, singing, drawing, acting, writing, music, anime, my pj's, puppies...
Dislikes:math, mean people, cuss words, vegtables, fighting, deep water, heights, scary stories, death....
>>More about me<<
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Fan on me? Thankies Suzy-chan ^-^
Anime & Manga I like |

About: Cardcaptors is a show about a 10 year old girl named Sakura Kinomoto. She finds a magical book called the Clow, created by the powerful Chinese magician: Clow Reed. She broke the seal and said the word on the first card "Windy" and all the cards (but Windy) blew away around the world to cause trouble. Then, out from the book comes Kero, a little bear with wings who was supposed to product the cards. Kero realizes Sakura must have powers to open the book. Kero gives her a Sealing Wand. Now, Sakura, with the help of her friends and fellow Cardcaptors, must capture the cards and send them back to the Clow book before the world is in danger!
# of episodes: 70 in Japan, 48 in America
# of Manga: 12 in America and Japan
Seasons: 3
Creators: Clamp
# of movies: 2
Favorite Character: Sakura and Li
Least: Yue
Fav. Couple: SAKURA + LI ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!
Least: I really don't have one
Fav. Episode: Any when Li blushes
Least Episode: The Final Judgement. I don't hate it, but it's so sad & Yue is so mean in it! >.<
Hottest guy: LI!!!!!!!!!!
Why I like this anime: It's so exciting, kawaii, funny, heart-warming and it's just too great to hate. And S+S IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rate of this anime: 10 out of 10!
My sites on CCS: S+S dream cloud

About: Yugioh is a show about a 14 year old boy named Yugi. His Grandfather gave him an ancient puzzle called the Mumelliuim puzzle. Yugi solves it and gains the power of his alter ego, named Yami. Yugi and Yami must work together to save the world from ancient evils from the past and get the other 6 Mumellium items. How do they do that? By playing a hot new game called Duel Monsters. But, Yugi soon realizes that this is actually an ancient game and that Yami is the Pharaoh that saved the world from a great evil 5000 years ago, and that evil is coming again! Can Yugi, Yami and all there friends save the world in time?
# of episodes: Like 250 in Japan, 225 in America (not counting Yugioh GX)
# of mangas: 23 in America and Japan
# of seasons: 6
Creators: not sure
# of movies: 2
Favorite episode: When Joey risked his life to save Mai's
Least: When Pegasus trapped Seto's mind in the evil shadow realm!
Fav. Character: Seto, Mai, Yugi, Yami and Joey
Least: Bakura
Fav. Couple: Joey+Mai
Least: Seto+anyone!
Hottest: SETO BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!! (Joey's really close!)
Why I like this anime: It's really neat! It's real edge of your seat stuff, it's funny, surprising, kawaii! It's just great!
Rate of this anime: 8.2 out of 10!
My site on Yugioh: The Bond Of Faith , Look Into My Eyes and Into The Heroes Eyes

Sailor Moon
About: Sailor Moon is a show about a 14 year old girl named Usagi (Serena) who helps this magical talking cat named Luna. As thanks, Luna gave her a magical transforming brooch. When she says the words "Moon prism power make-up and she turns into a pretty sailor solider that fights for love and justice: Sailor Moon. She must save the city from evil. On the way, she meets 8 other scouts, who become her good friends, meet a handsome super hero who becomes her true love, finds out she's actually the lost moon princess, sees her future as ruler of the moon and meets her future daughter all in 2 years time!
# of episodes: 205 in Japan and 166 in America
# of mangas: 18 in America & Japan (21 in Japan if you include the Sailor V manga as well).
Seasons: 5
Creator: Naoko Takeuchi
Movies: 3
Fav. Episode: All with romance!
Least: Any where someone dies!
Fav. Character: Sailor Moon
Least: The Wise Man
Fav. Couple: Chibi Moon+Ellios
Least: Tuxedo Mask+Queen Beyel
Why I like these anime: It's so kawaii, funny, sad, and just everything a great anime should be!
Rate of this anime: 9/10!
Site about Sailor Moon: Defenders Of Love
Coming Someday.

Fruits Basket
About: Tohru Honda is the nicest girl you'll ever meet. Her mother died four months ago & she's all alone living in a tent. One day going to school, she runs into Yuki Sohma, the cutest, nicest & most popular guy in school and ends up staying in his house because she gets sick & her tent is gone from a land slide. Yuki & his cousin Shigure hire Tohru as a house keeper, so she can live with them. Soon she meets Kyo, another Sohma that REALLY hates Yuki. Tohru tries to stop them from fighting when she hugs him & he turns into a cat! The family's curse is revealed to an outsider. When a member of this family is weak or hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into a member of the Chinese Zodiac. They change back at any random time...and are completely naked! How will Tohru living in the Sohma house & knowing the secret change her life? And she will change the families life forever.
# of episodes: 26 in America & Japan
# of mangas: 14 so far in America & 20 so far in Japan (keep on going in both countries! ^^)
Seasons: one
Creator: Natsuki Takaya & FUNamation
Movies: none
Fav. Episodes: 6, 12, 13, 14, & 20
Least: none really
Fav. Characters: Moimji
Least: Akito
Why I love this anime: It's so loving & SO, SO, SUPER funny!!! The characters are so unique & there is always a story. It makes me laugh & warms my heart at the same time. I'm hooked on it!
Rate this anime: 9.5 out of 10
Sites about this anime: none yet...-_-;;

About: InuYasha is a bloody but really cool anime about a girl named Kagome who fell down her family's well. When she woke up, she was in another era. There, on the tree was a half human, half dog-demon person, asleep in a way. Kagome got him down and he told her all how his true love and priest: Kikyo sealed him there 50 years ago. InuYasha realized Kagome was the reincartion of Kikyo and the most powerful thing in the world, the jewel of four souls, is inside her. Soon, demons wanted the jewel and in the battle, the jewel broke into tons of little pieces! Kagome still had half the jewel, but they must get all of it before Naroku dose. There travel lets them meet many friends, together, they must get the jewel and stop Naroku!
# of episodes: 220 in Japan, 190 here and still going!
# of mangas: 26 in America, not sure in Japan
Seasons: 6 that I know of
Creator: Rumiko Takahashi
Movies: 4 so far
Fav. Episode: 89, 90, 65, 70, & any others with romance
Least: where someone important dies (a lot of death!)
Fav. Character: Kagome
Least: KIKYO!!!!!
Fav, couple: InuYasha and Kagome
Why I like this anime: All my friends were really into to it, so I decided to watch it and I really liked it! The love is so great! And it's fun and action pack, but a little too much death! LOL ^^
Rate this anime: 8.3 out of 10!

About: Poke'mon is a cute anime about a 10 year old boy names Ash. He wants to collect these little animals called Pokemon. He wants to catch them, train them and battle them in torments so he can be known as the Greatest Pokemon trainer. On his way to make his dream come true, he meets Misty, a girl that LOVES water Pokemon and Brock, a guy that loves to breed Pokemon and he also LOVES girls! Together, they go one journeys to see new Pokemon and make there dreams come true!
# of episodes: Like 542 in Japan and about 523 here so far!
# of mangas: 4 in America & 14 in Japan (I think...)
Seasons: 8
Creators: Nintendo, Pikachu, Project 98 and 4 Kids
# of movies: 8
Fav characters: Ash and Misty
Least: May
Fav episode: The one where Ash gets jealous Misty isn't paying attention to him.
Least: The one where Misty and Brock leave Ash!
Fav couple: ASH AND MISTY!
Least: MAY and ASH!
Hottest character: Ash and Gary, I guess
Why I like this show: It's cute, interesting and one of those shows that always makes you smile and has a surprise in it!
Rating of this anime: 8 out of 10
My sites on Pokemon: Capture My Heart and Ash + Misty Forever

Megaman NT wariior
About: Megaman is a computer warrior made to battle for his owner and friend; Lan. But Megaman is a special kind of warrior; he has hidden skills that he doesn’t know about. Lan's world is all run by internet: EVERYTHING IS!!! Lan and Megaman must team up to beat World 3, an evil team that plans to use there warriors by destroying the internet! But Lan and Megaman will get help from there friends and people they never would have thought of!
# of episodes: No clue!
# of mangas: 10 in America so far & 11 in Japan
Seasons: 3 so far
Creators: ???
# of movies: none that I know of
Fav characters: Lan and Megaman
Least: Gutsman
Fav episode: The first one, where Roll hugs Megaman for saving Maylu
Least: Where Megaman got deleted
Fav couple: Roll and Megaman!
Least: Roll and Gutsman
Hottest characters: Megaman and Lan are cute! Protman is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why: This is a show I've been watching for a long time. I like it because Lan is so funny, and I love the battles and also, the love stories in this show are so strange but cute!
Rating of this anime: 7.5 out of 10
Sites on this anime: I have none!
Chobits, Cosplay Complex, Sonic X, Hamtro, Digimon: Tamers, Rayearth, Corrector Yui, Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar, Wedding Peach, Sister Princess, Sister Princess: Repura, Pretty Guadian Sailor Moon, Totally Spies, Teen Titans, and Hello Kitty
Games I like: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale, Yugioh: World Wide Edition, Mario Golf, All Pokemon, and All Sonic
Other Anime I've watched: Speed Racer, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, Transformers, SD Gundam, Gundam Wing, Kirby, Case Close, Duel Masters, Digimon, Digimon Zero, Digimon Frontier, Zoids, Voltron, Lypin 3rd, Megaman, Megaman X, Megas XLR , Bayblade, Read or Die, Rave Master, Naruto and Yu Yu Hakusha
Anime Movies I've seen: Howl's Moving Castle, Castle in the sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Grave of fireflies & Nausicaa, All Pokemon, Cardcaptors movie 1 & 2, Yugioh the movie, Sailor Moon movies R, S & SuperS, Digimon movies 2 & 3, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles the movie, InuYasha: Affections across time, InuYasha: Castle beyond the looking glass & InuYasha: The cursed sword, & Magic Knights Rayearth the movie br>
Anime I want to see: Saint Tail, Tokyo Mew Mew, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Rayearth II, Kodocha, DearS, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Mamotte shugogetten, My wife is a High School Girl, Doki Doki heart school, Bottle Fairy, Piano: melody of my heart and I'm gonna be an angel
Anime Movies I want to see: Whisper of the heart, My neighbor Totoro, Porco Rosso & the fourth InuYasha movie
Manga I've read: Cardcaptor Sakura, Master of the Clow, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Yugioh, Fruits Basket, Chobits, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon SuperS, Sailor Moon Stars, InYashsa, Megaman NT warrior, XXholic, Man of Many faces, Comic Party, Tokyo Mew Mew, Tokyo Mew Mew A La Mode, Kingdom Hearts, Magic Knights Rayearth, Magic Knights Rayearth II, The one I love, A.I. love you, Suki, Miracle Girls, DearS, In dream world, Dramacon, Dream Saga, Pita-Ten, Amazing Agent Luna, Mink, Kamichama Karin, Instant Teen: just add nuts, Mamotte Lollipop, Pixie Pop, Rizelmine, My brothers & me, Wedding Peach, Dragonball Z, Yu Yu Hakusha, One Piece, and Naruto
Manga I want to read: Sailor V, Sailor Moon, Legend of Chun Hyang, Digimon: Digitamers, Somebody's Dreamers, Shrine in the morning mist, Kare First Love, Digi Charat, CLAMP Paranormal investigators, CLAMP school Decetives, Wish, B.B. Explosion, I'm in love with my little sister, Let's get married, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Diamond Daydreams, Angel Diary, The first king's adventure, To heart, Her Majesty’s dog, Moon Child, Anastasia Club, Baby Love, Because you smile when I sing, Become a flower, Boyfriend, His & her circumstances, Chocolate Christmas, A fairy tale for you, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Love you like crazy, Lovely Complex, Midori's Days, Naughty Kiss, Over the rainbow, Sensei, Super Princess, Tail of the moon, Tea prince, The love is non-fiction, Tokimeki Midnight & We are mint
Credits |
1. Picture: Your Eyes Only, Chobits artbook by CLAMP.
2. Program: Photoshop 8. (Not sure with the URL)
3. Brushes: Misshapen.
4. Fonts: English 111 Vivace, Times New Roman, and Verdana. (Already installed with Windows)
5. Lyrics: Born To Make You Happy, by Britney Spears. (Get lyrics here)
6. Design: Me.